If you have not received the email to set up your Merit account, here are a few helpful tips:
- The email may have ended up in your junk/spam folder (please check)
- To have the email sent again:
- Go to member.merits.com
- Click "Login"
- Enter your email address on file with your Ohio ACE account.
- Click "Continue" to reveal the "Forgot password?" link.
- Click "Continue" and we will send you instructions to reset your password.
- If you have an account with Merit, an email will be sent to reset your password, even if a password was not initially created.
- If your email address is not found and you do not receive an email, please follow the next steps outlining how to change your email address through Ohio's SAFE portal.
- Ohio may have an outdated or wrong email address for you on file.
- Changing your personal information in the state’s OH ID system does not update information in the scholarship, income verification, or ACE system. All program participants must use their SAFE account to update program information. Your SAFE account can be accessed through the SAFE Portal as seen below. Once information is updated through the SAFE portal, program information should update automatically.
Changing information in the SAFE portal:
1. Click on this link ( Department of Education and Workforce OHID Portal Help ) and then
select “Open My Apps.”
2. You should then see “My Home Page.” You can change your name, email, address, and
phone number under “Account Settings.”
3. For example, if you wish to change your email address, please click “Manage Email.”
4. Select “Edit” on the email address that needs updated:
5. Enter the new email address, select “Email Type” as “Home,” check as primary
email, then save.
6. Repeat these steps as needed to update your email, name, phone number, and/or address.
Please note that it may take 7-10 business days for Merit to reflect any email update changes within your Ohio ACE account.