What information should be in my receipt or invoice?

A receipt is necessary when a service or good has been paid for and the parent/guardian would like to be reimbursed. 

An invoice is necessary when a service or good has not been paid for and the parent/guardian would like the service provider to be reimbursed.  

The receipts or invoices that are uploaded in the claim process should contain the following information: 

Receipts to be reimbursed to the parent/guardian:

  • The name and address of the service provider 
  • Name of person that purchased the service or good 
  • Where possible, the name of the child should always be included
  • Description of allowable service (e.g., tutoring, music lessons, afterschool program)
  • The date the service(s) occurred or will occur (Not more than 30 days in advance unless it is for a camp)
  • The date the service was paid for
  • The total amount paid
  • Unit cost/cost per session for services and the total number of units (for example, 3 hours of tutoring at $20 per hour, total $60)

Invoices to be reimbursed to the service provider:

  • The name and address of the provider
  • Name of person that purchased the service or good
  • Where possible, the name of the child should always be included
  • Description of allowable curriculum and/or materials
  • The date the service(s) occurred or will occur (Not more than 30 days in advance)
  • The date the service was paid for or invoiced
  •  The total amount paid or invoiced
  • An indication that the invoice has been reviewed and approved by the parent/guardian
  • Unit cost/cost per session for services (for example, tutoring $20 per hour, $100 per week, etc.) and total number of units (for example, 3 hours at $20 per hour, total $60)  

Receipts/Invoices for Curriculum and/or Materials for homeschool only:

  • The name and address of the provider
  • Name of person who purchased the curriculum and/or material
  • Where possible, the name of the child should always be included
  • Description of allowable curriculum and/or materials
  • The name of the curriculum and/or materials (homeschool only)
  • The date the curriculum and/or materials were purchased or invoiced (homeschool only)
  • The date the service was paid for or invoiced
  • The total amount paid or invoiced
  • An indication that the invoice has been reviewed and approved by the parent/guardian (for pay-to-provider claims only)

Fees included on invoices must align with fee schedules found online or on file with Merit.

NOTE: Dates of service on the receipt/invoice may not be more than 30 days in advance. The only exception is parents seeking reimbursement for a camp that has been paid for by the parent.