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  3. General FAQs about Ohio ACE Program

Will I be issued a 1099-K?

1099 forms will be issued as necessary per current IRS guidelines.

The Form 1099-K requires that we report the gross receipts from transactions made through your Dwolla account during the calendar year. The gross amount reported on your Form 1099-K may not be the actual reportable amount on your tax return. Use this form in conjunction with other records (bank statements, invoices, etc.) to report taxable income, if any. Please consult your tax advisor to determine your tax reporting requirements.

Form 1099-Ks will be available by January 31 each year.

You will receive an email from Dwolla when your Form 1099-K is available. You will need TIN information for your account in order to obtain your Form 1099-K. By creating an account with one of our clients, you agreed to our terms of service and to receive electronic communications regarding your account.

If you wish to receive a paper copy of your Form 1099-K, please notify Dwolla at  support@dwolla.com as soon as possible.