How to submit a claim for parents and guardians.

View a step-by-step guide on how to fill out and submit a claim.

Once you have received and set up your Merit profile, you'll have access to the ACE Ohio app found in the app store, or online at


It is important to note that service providers who are not listed on the Ohio ACE marketplace have not undergone a thorough vetting process and have not received endorsement from the OHIO ACE Program and Department of Education and Workforce. To ensure the best possible experience, we strongly recommend selecting service providers from the approved list of vendors.

To find endorsed service providers, please visit

Click Login With Merit and use the email and password used for Merit.


You'll be able to submit new claims and review claims that have been previously submitted. To submit a new claim, select the New claim button.

Aceohio Workflow - Step 2

The student's name will be auto-filled for you.  

If you are submitting a claim for a purchase or invoice from a qualified service provider, please enter the service provider number.  If the purchase is from a service provider that is not participating in the program you'll be asked to provide accurate contact information for that service provider.

Aceohio Workflow - Step 3

When prompted, please provide accurate information for the service provider. It is important not to use your own information in this section, as the claim will be rejected if we are unable to verify the details with the service provider. Our team will make four attempts to contact the service provider through phone calls and emails. If the purchase cannot be verified, the claim will be declined, and the funds will be returned to your Ohio ACE award. These funds can then be used for future purchases of qualifying services that can be verified.

Please note: Claims submitted for service providers that are not in the Ohio ACE Program will take longer to process. 

Aceohio Workflow - Step 24

Review the information entered, and make edits if needed. 

Next, select the service type from the category list. 

Aceohio Workflow - Step 30

Enter the educational benefits that your student gained from the service or goods (homeschool only) that were purchased. 

Aceohio Workflow - Step 31

Enter the date that the service started.  If this claim is for a hard good (homeschool only), please enter the purchase date.

For awards that were granted for the 2021-2022 school year (Y1), the service date must have started on or after April 25, 2022.  

For awards that were granted for the 2022-2023 school year (Y2), the service date must have started on or after July 1, 2022.

For awards that were granted for the 2023-2024 school year (Y3), the service date must have started on or after July 1, 2023.

Aceohio Workflow - Step 34

Enter in the claim amount.  This must be an exact match to the receipt and/or invoice that will be uploaded to support the claim.   The remaining funds available is shown below the textbox.

Aceohio Workflow - Step 35

Select where the funds should be disbursed.

Upload your receipt if you are asking to be reimbursed directly.

Upload an invoice if you are asking for funds to be disbursed to the service provider. 

** If pay to the service provider is not an available option, please ask the service provider to link their bank account within the ACE Ohio app.**

Aceohio Workflow - Step 43

Be sure to click submit when everything is entered correctly. 

You'll be taken back to the home screen, where your new claim and status appear. 

Aceohio Workflow - Step 45

*Never share your login credentials with other individuals or service providers*